60-day extension now applies to both commercial and non-commercial vehicle inspections
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) is implementing a 60-day extension to commercial vehicle inspections expiring in March and April. The RMV announced the 60-day extension for non-commercial vehicle inspections on March 20th. These initiatives recognize the importance of commercial vehicle drivers to the supply chain during the State of Emergency declaration, and will continue to prioritize reducing customer volumes in physical locations.
In an effort to help customers maintain proper social distancing, as today, March 26, the annual motor vehicle safety and emissions inspection expiration dates are being extended as follows:
- All commercial and non-commercial vehicle inspection stickers that expire on March 31, 2020 (designated by a number 3 on the inspection sticker) must be inspected by May 31, 2020.
- All commercial and non-commercial vehicle inspection stickers that expire on April 30, 2020 (designated by a number 4 on the inspection sticker) must be inspected by June 30, 2020.
- Commercial and non-commercial vehicles that are issued a failed inspection sticker (indicated by a sticker with a red or black letter ‘R’) that is due to expire in the month of March, 2020, must be re-inspected by May 31, and all vehicles issued a failed inspection sticker due to expire in the month of April, 2020, must be re-inspected by June 30. Additionally, the one free retest for these vehicles is also extended to May 31 or June 30 provided the retest is performed at the same inspection station that performed the initial inspection.
- Regardless of the date of inspection, vehicles issued a failed inspection sticker due to a safety defect (indicated by a sticker with a red letter ‘R’) are prohibited from operating until appropriate repairs have been completed.
- All motorcycle inspection stickers originally set to expire on May 31 must be inspected by June 30.
As a reminder, the RMV is also extending the time during which newly registered vehicles must be inspected, which is typically within seven days of the date of registration.
- Any newly registered commercial and non-commercial vehicle purchased between March 1, 2020 and March 31, 2020 must be inspected by May 31.
- Any newly registered commercial and non-commercial vehicle purchased between April 1, 2020 and April 30, 2020 must be inspected by June 30.
Questions? Email us at RMVAtlassupport@dot.state.ma.us.